Positive thinking essay writing
Is It Bad To Use The Same Topic In A Uc Essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Affordable Care Act Essay
Social insurance change has been a maturing issue inside the United States this previous year, and issues keep on surfacing. Toward the start of this procedure, Americans needed the legislature to guarantee that all residents would have the option to have moderate and great human services, regardless of what their monetary circumstance. The cost for social insurance was expanding at a rate that individuals could no longer bear the cost of it and many individuals frantically needed a widespread human services frameworks like a portion of their neighboring nations. It might be said, change was required, however how this change came about is the main problem now. Americans may not get what they expected, and it could wind up costing more than some individual at first idea. Significance of Research I need to explore this financial approach since I hear such a great amount of investigation from each individual I converse with, while I likewise observe a few loved ones profiting by the Affordable Care Act. I need to get familiar with what we genuinely pursued and the repercussions for â€Å"pimping out†the social insurance industry, alongside any shrouded plans that may be installed inside this new arrangement. As per the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, â€Å"The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and afterward marked into law by the President on March 23, 2010. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court rendered an official choice to maintain the social insurance law†(2014). It isn't until 2014 that is truly happening, to where it is ordered to have protection by April 2014. This arrangement was actualized to ensure each American has medical coverage yet little are appropriately taught on how this new approach will influence us in the years to come. Time to take in reality from the two sides of the discussion Policy Overview The Affordable Health Care Act, was an arrangement that has as of late been set up to assist residents with getting the human services they need at a moderate cost. As wages continue as before, costs keep on moving to where least wages isn’t enough, social insurance is keep going on the rundown of necessities. Numerous Americans don't have medical coverage or get it from the state since it's anything but a moderate part of our economy and it was not ordered. Presently the administration as willingly volunteered to cause laws and guidelines so as to guarantee each American resident has moderate medical coverage. For the individuals who can pay more, pay more, and the individuals who can’t, will at last save money. Despite the fact that that is an extraordinary idea for the American individuals to have confidence in, however with the entirety of the standards, guidelines and underlining laws, it is essential to comprehend what Americans are really getting from this arrang ement. For this paper, we will concentrate on people, managers and assessment credits accessible to help with the expense of protection. Arrangements of the Affordable Health Care Act On March 23, 2010, President Obama marked a complete wellbeing change, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, into law. The laws and changes distraught, centers around arrangements to extend inclusion, control care costs, and improve social insurance conveyance framework. The primary arrangements is that all Americans are required to have medical coverage by April 2014, or people will deal with punishment indictments that can influence them for as long as three years. So it is significant for residents to go to the administration commercial center and apply for protection that they can bear. As indicated by the Kaiser Foundation; â€Å"Those without inclusion take care of a duty punishment of the more noteworthy of $695 every year up to a limit of multiple times that sum ($2,085) per family or 2.5% of family salary. The punishment will be staged in as per the accompanying timetable: $95 in 2014, $325 in 2015, and $695 in 2016 for the level expense or 1.0% of available pay i n 2014, 2.0% of available salary in 2015, and 2.5% of available pay in 2016†(Kaiser Foundation, 2014). This explanation alone is the reason Americans ought not abstain from getting protection. Different arrangements that have been produced into results manage businesses. Presently managers are required to offer protection dependent on the measure of workers. For littler organizations this implies offering social insurance protection to their fullâ time bosses and â€Å"Require businesses with in excess of 200 representatives to naturally select workers into medical coverage plans offered by the business. Representatives may quit coverage†(Kaiser Foundation, 2014). With bosses offering social insurance inclusion at a moderate rate to full-time workers, it makes some decide on low maintenance work to abstain from giving out advantages. A ton of Americans dread they will lose hour’s straightforward in light of the fact that their managers would prefer not to pay for them, which is something that could without much of a stretch occur. Other than people and managers being influenced, Medicaid is additionally going under a development. More cash is being put to the individuals who are needing protection and can't pay for it, for example, pregnant ladies, youngsters and guardians. With the development Medicaid to all non-Medicare qualified people under age 65, for example, those expressed above â€Å"All recently qualified grown-ups will be ensured a benchmark advantage bundle that meets the fundamental medical advantages accessible through the Exchanges†(Kaiser Foundation, 2014). Another significant angle relates to the individuals who are inclined to certain ailments. For example, residents can never again be denied human services inclusion dependent on wellbeing dangers they as of now have. In addition to other things, the legislature likewise provide charge credit so as to bring down the expense of protection, which depends on pay and family size. Investigation of Policy With any strategy or new law there will be complaints and a reluctance to acknowledge these changes. Only one out of every odd new bit of enactment fixes the current issues. A portion of the issues just deteriorate, and afterward the law must be transformed. With the Affordable Health Care Act, there are various advantages and disadvantages with this approach and underneath, it will clarify how these progressions have significantly influenced the overall population to improve things and more regrettable. Masters With the Affordable Health Care Act being actualized, there are various incredible perspectives that have now been placed into impact. The first and most effortless of the progressions presently permits kids younger than 26 to stay on their folks protection designs, this implies longer inclusion for youthful grown-ups in America, this additionally implies no lifetime confines on wellbeing inclusion; and newâ insurance approaches that must give preventive consideration with no type of cost-sharing (UPMC, 2013). Among different changes, these are the accompanying advantages of having the Affordable Health Care Act set up; Health care inclusion for uninsured Americans. Through a mix of making the health care coverage commercial center and urging the states to extend Medicaid, a large number of Americans without health care coverage currently approach reasonable inclusion. Regardless of the circumstance, individuals will be secured. Decreasing uninsured wellbeing occasions: Americans have consistently had issues with respect to doctor's visit expenses and exorbitant strategies that many couldn't bear. Presently, on the grounds that the Affordable Health Care Act expects residents to have human services inclusion, we will significantly lessen the occasions of uninsured wellbeing occasions. No more inclusion segregation because of medical problems or sexual orientation. The principle issue with health care coverage organizations was the way that they could, â€Å"charge over the top costs or even deny inclusion to Americans dependent on specific ailments, age, or sex. Because you are badly, brought into the world with an incapacity, or female and may require pregnancy care, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t approach reasonable coverage†(UPMC, 2013). Changing the laws that oversee inclusion currently assists with completion inclusion segreg ation. Extension of business supported wellbeing inclusion. â€Å"Many businesses don’t offer any medical coverage to representatives, even those working all day. ObamaCare requires all organizations with more than 50 full-time comparable representatives to offer medical coverage to full-time staff by 2016 or they might be dependent upon a penalty†(UPMC, 2013). This currently makes businesses answerable for the human services of their workers, which thusly balances the measure of individuals on Medicaid, or diminishes the measure of individuals uninsured. These advantages significantly influence the regular day to day existence of an American, no more segregation because of prior conditions, or higher rates to these people. Managers presently bring to the table protection to their full-time workers, and everybody has the option to reasonable medicinal services which will prevent them from being constrained into obligation. Cons With each arrangement, there are going to issues that come to surface, here and there an approach fixes nothing by any stretch of the imagination, while different occasions it is exactly what the specialist requested. Coming up next are a portion of the negative impacts that could cause the Affordable Health Care Act to reverse discharge or stop Americans from having confidence in the framework. Working Americans will pay more. Most white collar class Americans hold all day occupations and get medical coverage through their managers. Medicinal services costs were ascending before the Affordable Care Act became law, and joined with the impacts of the law, bosses will probably reexamine the protection they offer. Businesses will begin to reconsider their inclusion to their representatives which could wind up expanding their work-based protection. A portion of the required coverage’s are against the virtues of bosses. The order to offer contraception with no charge to the patie nt has caused a ton of issues, particularly for businesses whose ethical code directs that they don't bolster contraception of any sort. In any case, this is a way of individual decision, businesses can't direct what their representatives needs are. Including extra human services costs will affect laborers. The law will make a few managers offer lower inclusion or maybe no inclusion to their laborers, or maybe increment the sum representatives
Saturday, August 22, 2020
As You Like It as a Romantic Comedy
AS YOU LIKE IT by William Shakespeare THE AUTHOR William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was naturally introduced to the group of a prosperous tradesman in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. While in his mid-adolescents, he had to leave school since his family fell into a time of destitution, with the goal that he had just simple instruction. In 1582, he wedded Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior and right now three months pregnant. The marriage created three youngsters in three years, however in 1585, Shakespeare left Stratford to go to London to look for his fortune in the huge city.In London, he set out upon a vocation on the stage, turning into a well known entertainer by the mid fifteen nineties. In 1591, he wrote his first play, Love’s Labour’s Lost. His initial plays were comedies, and show nothing of the profundity that portrayed his later works. His plots were obtained from an assortment of sources, both old and contemporary. During his profession, he composed 37 plays, t hree story sonnets, and 154 works. His composing brought him acclaim and prevalence, yet he kept on going about just as compose (pundits love to hypothesize about which of the characters in his plays would have been played by the author).He in the long run turned into an investor in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later the King’s Men when James I rose the seat). The vast majority of his plays were performed at neighborhood theaters like the Rose, the Globe, and the indoor Blackfriars. At the point when the Globe caught fire in 1613 (a gun fizzled during a presentation of Henry VIII), Shakespeare resigned, and kicked the bucket in Stratford three years after the fact on his fifty-second birthday celebration. As You Like It (1600) has throughout the previous two centuries been one of Shakespeare’s most well known comedies. It is a peaceful sentiment †a classification starting in old Greece and still famous in Elizabethan England.As he did in such a significant n umber of his plays, Shakespeare obtained the essential story from a prior work †for this situation, Thomas Lodge’s exposition sentiment Rosalynde, or Euphues’ Golden Legacy. Into Lodge’s essential system Shakespeare presents romping satire missing from the first, alongside new characters like Touchstone, Audrey, and Jaques. Nobody, either in Shakespeare’s day or our own, normal authenticity in such a story. Rather, characters and crowd the same discover happiness in the opportunity of the timberland and open country, where stock characters do doubtful hings and meet with impossible occurrences. What's more, where, obviously, (nearly) everybody gets hitched at long last and lives cheerfully ever after. Significant CHARACTERS †¢ Duke Senior †The legitimate duke, he is constrained into banish in the Forest of Arden by his envious sibling. Duke Frederick †He powers his sibling into oust and usurps his seat, yet in the long run is changed o ver and restores the dukedom to its legitimate ruler. Jaques †A ruler under Duke Senior, he is hopelessly despairing, in any event, when surrounding him are celebrating. Charles †Duke Frederick’s prize grappler, he is crushed by Orlando.Oliver †Eldest child and beneficiary of Sir Rowland de Boys, he has denied his siblings of their legitimate legacy and is awfully desirous of his honorable most youthful sibling. When looking for Orlando in the Forest of Arden, he meets, experiences passionate feelings for, and weds Celia, yields his legacy to his most youthful sibling, and chooses to carry on with the life of a shepherd. Orlando †Youngest child of Sir Rowland de Boys, he is constrained into banish in the Forest of Arden by his sibling, where he is brought together with his affection Rosalind. He in the long run recovers his legacy from his father.Touchstone †The blockhead in Duke Frederick’s court, he also leaves for the Forest of Arden, where he meets and weds Audrey. Adam †Orlando’s eighty-year-old hireling who funds his trip with his life reserve funds and goes with Orlando into oust in the Forest of Arden. Corin †An old shepherd in the Forest of Arden. Silvius †A youthful shepherd frantically infatuated with Phebe, a shepherdess who continually hates his friendship. Inevitably they wed with the assistance of Rosalind. Rosalind †Daughter of Duke Senior, she escapes to the woods masked as a man named Ganymede to discover her dad, and there experiences and in the long run weds Orlando.Celia †Daughter of Duke Frederick and Rosalind’s closest companion, she goes with Rosalind to Arden, additionally in camouflage as Ganymede’s sister Aliena, and becomes hopelessly enamored with and weds a changed Oliver. Phebe †A shepherdess adored of Silvius, she experiences passionate feelings for Rosalind in male camouflage yet inevitably respects the devoted considerations of her indivi dual shepherd. †¢ Audrey †A nation vixen who experiences passionate feelings for and weds Touchstone. Outstanding QUOTATIONS â€Å"Love no man in great sincere, nor no further in sport neither than with wellbeing of an unadulterated become flushed thou mayst in respect fall off once more. (Celia, Iii, 26-28) â€Å"The greater pity that numb-skulls may not talk astutely what savvy men do absurdly. †(Touchstone, Iii, 83-84) â€Å"Sir, you have wrestled well, and ousted More than your foes. †(Rosalind, Iii, 255-256) â€Å"Sweet are the employments of misfortune, Which, similar to the amphibian, monstrous and venomous, Wears yet a valuable gem in his mind; And this our life, excluded from open frequent, Finds tongues in trees, books in running creeks, Sermons in stones, and great in all things: I would not transform it. †(Duke Senior, IIi, 12-18) â€Å"O, what a world is this, when what is attractive Envenoms him that bears it! (Adam, IIiii, 15-16) â €Å"I can drain despairing out of a tune as a weasel sucks eggs. †(Jaques, IIv, 11-12) â€Å"All the world’s a phase, And all the people only players. They have their ways out and their passages, And one man in his time plays numerous parts, His demonstrations being seven phases. From the outset, the newborn child, Mewling and vomiting in the nurse’s arms. At that point the crying student, with his travel bag And sparkling morning face, crawling like snail Unwillingly to class. And afterward the sweetheart, Sighing like heater, with a woeful melody Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.Then a fighter, Full of unusual promises and whiskery like the pard, Jealous in respect, abrupt and fast in squabble, Seeking the air pocket notoriety Even in the cannon’s mouth. And afterward the equity, In reasonable round gut with great capon lined, With eyes extreme and whiskers of formal cut, Full of astute saws and present day occasions; And so he has his influence. The 6th age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With displays on nose and pocket on side; His young hose, very much spared, a world unreasonably wide For his contracted shank, and his huge masculine voice, Turning again toward whimsical treble, funnels And whistles in his sound.Last scene of every one of, That closes this weird memorable history, Is second immaturity and simple blankness, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. †(Jaques, IIvii, 149-176) â€Å"Those that are acceptable habits at the court are as silly in the nation as the conduct of the nation is generally mockable at the court. †(Corin, IIIii, 45-48) â€Å"Do you not realize I am a lady? At the point when I figure, I should talk. †(Rosalind, IIIii, 248249) â€Å"Sell when you can; you are not for all business sectors. (Rosalind, IIIv, 65) â€Å"I had preferably have a bonehead to make me joyful over experience to make me pitiful. †(Rosalind, IVi, 25-27) â€Å"Th e poor world is just about 6,000 years of age, and in this time there was no man kicked the bucket in his own individual, videlicet, in an adoration cause. †(Rosalind, IVi, 89-92) [Editor’s note: Ussher’s acclaimed order showed up right around fifty years after the fact, yet obviously his gauge of the age of the earth was ordinarily acknowledged some time before he distributed his work. ] â€Å"Men have passed on every now and then, and worms have eaten them, however not for affection. (Rosalind, IVi, 101-102) â€Å"Your sibling and my sister no sooner met yet they looked; no sooner looked however they adored; no sooner cherished yet they moaned; no sooner murmured yet they asked each other the explanation; no sooner knew the explanation yet they looked for the cure; and in these degrees have they made a couple of steps to marriage, which they will climb incontinent, or, more than likely be incontinent before marriage. †(Rosalind, Vii, 31-38) â€Å"A p oor virgin, sir, and tragic thing, sir, however mine own. A poor silliness of mine, sir, to take that that no man else will. (Touchstone, Viv, 61-63) NOTES Act I, scene 1 †The play starts with Orlando, the most youthful child of Sir Rowland de Boys, grumbling of his treatment by his oldest sibling Oliver. Oliver, the beneficiary of his father’s domain, has retained from Orlando the little legacy left him by his dad and has wouldn't accommodate his training. At the point when Orlando stands up to Oliver, he will not respect his father’s wishes. After Orlando leaves, Oliver meets Charles Duke Frederick’s grappler. We find from their onversation that Duke Frederick has usurped the dukedom from his sibling Duke Senior, who has fled to the Forest of Arden with a portion of his unwavering nobles. Duke Senior’s little girl, the exquisite Rosalind, stays at court under Duke Frederick’s insurance, to a great extent since she is the closest companion of Duke Frederick’s little girl Celia. Charles expects to arrange a wrestling show the following day, and Orlando intends to challenge him. Oliver illustrates Orlando as an incredible scoundrel and encourages Charles to dispatch him so as to dodge the foul play that the youngster will most likely bring to the ring.In a short discourse, nonetheless, we find that Orlando is a respectable young fellow notwithstanding his absence of instruction, and is loathed by his sibling in light of his authentic character. Act I, scene 2 †Rosalind and Celia are talking outside the duke’s royal residence. Rosalind is troubled on the grounds that h
Monday, August 10, 2020
My Content Marketing Research Process
My Content Marketing Research Process During one of my interviews for the role of Buffer’s first Content Crafter, Buffer co-founder Leo asked me how much content I thought I could produce in a week. I thought about the kind of content he’d been producing for the Buffer blog, and my own writing process, and guessed that if everything went well, I should be able to create one article per dayâ€"or five in a week. Not once did I ever write five articles in a weekâ€"at Buffer or anywhere else. I don’t know what strange ideas made me think I could write a full article in a day, every day. Probably the planning fallacy, which makes us all chronically underestimate how long our tasks will take. One time I did manage to write four articles for Buffer in a week, but I was mentally exhausted when that week was over. So, with a little background, you now know why three articles per week is my preferred schedule. With a regular roster of freelance clients needing new content for their blogs, and my own software company needing content marketing, there’s no shortage of work for me to do. Because I’m doing the same type of work so consistently, I’ve been able to come up with a process that works for me. I’ve adjusted this over time, but so far this is the most efficient way I’ve found to plan, research, and outline new articles. Collecting ideas I try to collect ideas before I need them. Whenever it’s time to plan the next few articles for a client or one of my own blogs, I dread being stuck with a sheet of blank paper. It’s much easier to have lots of ideas to bounce off, even if I don’t use any of them. I use RSS feeds to keep up with blogs I like and find new ideas. RSS has been the most consistent way for me to keep up with new content, especially from bigger media sites or blogs that publish often. RSS works like an email inboxâ€"everything’s there waiting for you, and it won’t disappear until you mark it as read. Unlike social media feeds, I never miss articles from my favorite blogs, and I never come up short for something new to read. I use Larder, a bookmarking tool from my own company, to save articles or research papers that might come in handy later. Even if I don’t have a specific article idea in mind, I try to hang onto any research that I might want to use in the future. I tag everything I save so I can easily search for a topic months later when I’m writing about it, and find everything I’ve previously saved that might be useful. I also use MeisterTask to save specific ideas for articles I might write in the future. Often I’ll see an article or a study that sparks an idea, and create a new card in MeisterTask for the article, with the link as a comment so I can use that original article or paper when I get around to writing. MeisterTask’s visual layout is really handy for separating my ideas. I use different columns for different types of topics, like productivity, startups and freelancing, or health and fitness. Then, when I’m brainstorming article topics for a client or blog, I can look through only the columns that are a good fit for that audience, rather than looking through my entire list of ideas, even though lots of them are irrelevant. The content marketing research process Once I’ve chosen an article topic, the main chunk of my pre-writing phase is research. In almost every case, I follow a very similar pattern that goes like this: Open and read any links I’ve saved with the topic idea Rough out in my head what angle I want to take, so I know what research to look for Start googling Skim everything I find that might be useful, cull anything I don’t want to use Repeat steps 3 and 4 until I have enough useful material Read and take notes Let’s break down that process a bit more. First, it makes sense to start with any articles or research papers that inspired the idea. I reread anything I saved along with my topic idea, and remind myself of the original inspiration. This also helps me figure out what angle I want to take for the topic. For instance, I’ve approached the topic of remote working from various angles in the past, and there are likely more angles I haven’t thought of yet: How to find the perfect remote working setup for you When remote doesn’t work How to build strong relationships in a remote team 3 commonly overlooked problems with remote working, and how to overcome them So there are usually multiple angles I could take, and I need to figure out which one I like best before starting my research. Having said that, I’ll sometimes find some awesome information during my research that makes me switch angle. But I like to have at least a rough idea of what I’m looking for before starting my content marketing research. Next, I start searching. I usually start out with simple Google searches, looking for any articles that sound useful. Later, if I’m looking for links to studies specifically, I’ll use the same search terms in scholar.google.com to find research papers. I always look for sources I know are reliable. If I’m looking for stories of personal experiences, personal blogs are perfect. But if I’m looking for psychological research, however, I’ll look for reputable scientific publishers. If I’m ever not sure whether I can trust a site, I’ll take a look at an article and make sure it has sources to back up its points. Then I’ll check out the original sources for myself to see if they are reliable, and if they’ve been represented accurately in the article I found. Whenever possible, I rely on original sources rather than other people’s representations of the original information. Plan to perfection. I go through the same process over and over: I open any links in my search results that seem useful, skim through them, and leave open only the ones I want to come back to. If I open a link and find an article that doesn’t back up its claims, or doesn’t offer anything unique on the topic I’m researching, I close it and move on. I might open eight links, skim them all, and only keep two. Then I repeat the same process. This time, I might open six new links, and keep four. Eventually, when I feel I have enough information in all the links that made the cut, I get down to the business of reading and note-taking. This is the part of my process I’ve changed the most. Initially I had a very inefficient setup where I would constantly switch back and forth between the articles I was reading, and my rough draft. You might have heard of this idea in school: to ensure you’ve learned an idea, rather than simply memorized it, write it down in your own words, instead of copying it straight from a book. I use this approach in my writing. I read an idea in an article or paper, then I write it in my draft straight from memory, adding my own style as I go. This is the main thing people like about my articles: I read and understand the information, then explain it as clearly as I can. But, of course, I always have to copy quotes exactly, or check that the information I’ve written from memory is correct, or refresh my memory when I can’t remember exactly what I wanted to write. So I was forever switching context: reading, thinking, writing, fact-checking, writing, reading. It was not only inefficient, it was frustrating. I used to dread drafting articles, because it didn’t feel like writing at all. There was no flow. Recently, I came up with a new approach. This one takes a bit longer, but it makes the process of drafting an article less painful, and a little quicker. What I do now is bust out a paper notebook and a bunch of colored pens and highlighters. As I read, I create sketchnotesâ€"notes full of doodles that explain the concepts I’m writing about. Studies have shown handwriting notes and drawing both help us memorize better than taking notes on a computer. Plus, creating sketchnotes is really fun. This is definitely the most fun process I’ve found for researching. It also means the information seems to stick in my head a lot better. I often flip back through my notes while drafting to check facts, copy out quotes, or remind myself of points I wanted to cover, but the context switching is a lot less painful than scrolling through a bunch of articles to find what I’m looking for. And I don’t have to check my notes as often as I used to. These days, drafting an article is a more relaxing process, which makes for higher quality work. Creating an outline Finally, when all my content marketing research is done, I create an outline. I’ve written articles without outlines in the past, and always found it’s more difficult, and they often just end up in a mess while I’m writing. An outline, for me, usually doesn’t have a lot of structure, but just enough that it stops me from wandering off on tangents while I’m writing. I always start with a (very rough) working title. This is important, as it gives me an idea of the main point of writing the article in the first place. It tells me why this article would be interesting to a reader, and what would make them click on it if they saw the headline in their Twitter stream or Facebook feed. After the title, I write out very descriptive subheadings for each of the main sections of the articleâ€"usually between three and six sections. While super-descriptive subheadings don’t work for the style of every blog, they help me enormously during the drafting process in the same way a working title does: they remind me of the point of each section, and help me to steer my writing in the right direction. Finally, each section of the article will get a few words or sentences on what I want to cover. For instance, for this very article, in the first section on collection ideas, I wrote this in my outline: rss larder meistertask That was it. But it was enough for me to know what I’d planned to cover, and make sure I didn’t miss anything. I don’t always stick perfectly to an outline, but I rely on it to give me a framework to work within as I start the very messy, rough process of a first draft. And finally… the writing. Well, that’s a whole other post (or perhaps a whole book). But I’ve always found the pre-writing phase of creating new articles is the most mysterious, so hopefully I’ve illuminated my own process for you somewhat! Organize your content marketing. Use MeisterTask Use MeisterTask
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Technology On Our Generation s Future - 1239 Words
Courtney Lofton Professor Watson Philosophy December 16, 2016 Technology on our Generation’s Future Technology is machinery created by scientific knowledge that serves an active role in our industries (Computerhope). Around the world technology has become one of the most popular forms of communication (Computerhope). Starting with regular rotary phones and advancing into Instagram, twitter and facetime. Technology dating back to 1943 when the first computer was created by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, and still has a major impact on our lives while still advancing every day (Computerhope). Technology has had both a negative and positive impact on human lives, although to a certain extent technology has gotten out of hand. In this essay, I will argue how technology plays a huge role in the future of our generation, and the positive and negative effects it will have on our generation’s future. Military robots have a plane like structure and are controlled by remotes (Guizzo, Erico). These military robots serve as attackers and rescuers under our military’s control, although most of these are still under development, some are currently being used (Guizzo, Erico). These robots would be considered a positive technological impact for our generation, because it would be helpful during war. When at war it will be less of a sacrifice to send a robot in to rescue the United States prisoners of war than to send in other soldiers andShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Changed Our Visual Learning995 Words  | 4 Pagesuse for of our visual learning. Over there lies the teacher s computer which she uses to make handouts and other learning tools. Over there lies the speaker in, which we have for auditory learning. The future is bright and it s going to be brighter than ever before. Look at all the opportunities we will get in the future through technology, education and jobs. 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I believe that is not the case; the Millennial Generation is fully capable of success. Millennials are not â€Å"dumb,†as Bauerlein states; we just don’t care enough to apply what we are taught. In Bauerlein’s book, The Dumbest Generation, BauerleinRead MoreGeneration Z And My Generation883 Words  | 4 PagesPersonally, I think that my generation, also known as Generation Z, is different from the past generations. Just growing up I have seen drastic changes to technology and social media. Do these changes make my generation standout from the others? Is my generation special? Are we special in a good or bad way? We all know how the older generations would answer that question, then they would ramble on a nd on about how whenever they needed some information they have to research it the â€Å"old fashion wayâ€
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Accounting for Compensation at a Company Essay - 806 Words
Re: Murray Compensation, Inc. Facts Murray Compensation, Inc. (Murray), an SEC registrant that provides payroll processing and benefit administration services to other companies, granted 100,000 â€Å"at-the-money†employee share options on January 1, 2006. The awards have a grant-date fair value of $6, vest at the end of the third year of service (cliff-vesting), and have an exercise price of $21. Subsequent to the awards being granted, the stock price has fallen significantly. On January 1, 2008, Murray decreased the exercise price on the stock options to $12. This downward adjustment to the exercise price was made in order to ensure that the options continue to provide intended motivation benefit to employees. However, in addition†¦show more content†¦The awards at issue in this case were issued after June 15, 2005 and therefore must be accounted for under the provisions of FAS 123(R). FAS 123(R) 5 states that an entity should recognize services received in a share based payment transaction when those services are received. 10 states that an entity shall account for compensation cost from share-based payment transactions with employees in accordance with the fair-value-based method. Under the fair-value-based method, the cost of services received from employees in exchange for awards of share-based compensation shall be measured based on the grant-date fair value of the equity instruments issued. A10-A17 discuss the acceptable methods of calculating fair value at the grant date. The grant-date fair value of the Murray options is $6. Following the guidance in Illustration 4(a), Share Options with Cliff Vesting, of FAS 123(R), compensation expense for the years ended December 31, 2006 2007 is $200,000 per year (calculation attached hereto). However, at issue is the calculation of compensation expense for the years subsequent to the change in exercise price and vesting period. FAS 123(R) 51 states that a modification of the terms or conditions of an equity award shall be treated as an exchange of the original award for a new award. 51 further states that in substance, the entity repurchases the original instrument by issuing a new instrument of equal or greater value,Show MoreRelatedMaking A Good Compensation Plan1288 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Making a good compensation plan will motivate the managers. Bad compensation plan could influence the company’s development and damage the shareholders’ value (GordonKaswin, 2010,p2). The XXX Ltd want to design a compensation plan which can attract and retain the executives needed to achieve and its objective of establishing an industry-leading company with high operational performance and maintain shareholders’ value. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self-sacrifice Sacrifice and Ancient Rome Free Essays
In ancient Rome and Greece, during the Olympics, as many as 100 bulls would be sacrificed to show the relationship between humans and nature. In the photo, Mother and Child by Jerome Liebling, the mother is holding a bull which could be exemplifying the relation between the mother and child. In this unique relationship there are many sacrifices made for each other, the clich © is that the mother is always sacrificing for their children but there are always aspects that are given up by the child. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-sacrifice: Sacrifice and Ancient Rome or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sacrifices that are made to keep the correlation amiable between a mother nd child have to be made from both parties The mother in the photo is holding a baby and a miniscule basket full of groceries. We can assume she had bought these groceries for herself and her child, and by the look on her face it took a lot of work to get the food. The mother is also holding a bull which can be inferred exhibits the sacrifices that she has made for her child. This photo embodies the relationship between a mother and child and the compassion that is between them. Although all of the above is true, mothers do sacrifice a lot for their offspring in all species but the children also give up certain aspects for their parents. In eighth grade my mother was admitted to the hospital for several different health concerns including esophagus cancer, severe gall stones, and thyroid infection. Because of the different concerns I had to miss a lot of school and dance to care for her. Missing so much school put a plethora of pressure on me but I diligently stayed at the hospital for the beginning of the time she spent there. After around a month I started becoming frustrated that I was missing a lot because of the time I spent at the hospital. I eventually quit dancing for the rest of the year because treatment for my mom ecame expensive and I was inevitably falling behind. I did sacrifice a lot in the beginning but became fed up with it after a while. This shows that, at first the capability for sacrifice is a lot larger for short term than longer. In adolescence you are trying to fgure out who you are and not being able to go to school and spending countless hours in the hospital is disheartening. The mother in the photo looks to be quite young so she could be trying to find herself or she could be very concerned about the health of her child. The mother will also have to face challenging circumstances due to the child, I also had to face challenging ircumstances because every day I was in a conundrum to either go to the hospital and support my mother or go to school, and this forced me to develop great fortitude. In the beginning I chose to go to the hospital but after a while I felt that I had done my duty by missing school and quitting dance so I started going less frequently. Consequently, in young adulthood I regret not going to support my mother in a time of adversity where she needed her family and it is evident that I was selfish with my time and did not sacrifice nearly as much as I could have and should have at the ime. Because of this remorse I now try my best to do anything that I can for people that I care for because I don’t want to regret anything else that could have been prevented. Sacrificing anything can be hard but needs to be done in order to keep relationships in your life. The mother in the photo by Jerome Liebling and I resemble each other because we botn nave nad to sacrifice tor the sake ot keeping the relationship between a family member. The situations I have been in have influenced my capacity for self-sacrifice because of situations I was put in at a young age I ecame very precocious and concerned for the well-being of others. How to cite Self-sacrifice: Sacrifice and Ancient Rome, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Too much tv free essay sample
Watching television is an experience shared by most people. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of almost everyone. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. TV has also become one of the worlds most PREDOMINANT bad habits. The purpose of this essay is to persuade the reader that people shouldn’t watch too much TV because a lot of TV programs are not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities, and it negatively affects the STATUS of people’s brains. The first reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because the content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. We will write a custom essay sample on Too much tv or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative behavior. Moreover, the impact this tendency has on children is worse because they grow up with the idea of a world where women must be slender and blonde to stand out, where problems can only be solved with money and violence, where wars are inevitable, and the fact that it is ok to AFFILIATE yourself with bad activities. This leads to children TRANSCENDING the DECORUM of the real world. You can solve this problem by not watching such programs and PROHIBITING children from from watching. The second reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities. The time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, FRATERNIZING with friends and family, activities that are a crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The third reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it negatively affects people’s mental development. According to several scientific studies, watching TV for long periods of time has a negative effect over the intellectual development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term. People shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational, it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities, and it affects people’s mental development. However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV because it can be a great resource to CONFORM the human brain, but if we are going to watch it, we should do it with moderation. Television is a resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of programs by taking an active and critical attitude towards it.
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